No “Stand-By or Holdover” Days Lay Off Order
Please be advised that there are no “Stand-By or Holdover” days, other than the two (2) scheduled days off per week per Article 4.12 of the Collective Agreement.
In other words, you “MUST” work 5 days in a row with 2 scheduled days off per week unless a statutory holiday falls with the scheduled work week. Only then could you return to the same production without a new dispatch. If you work and have a break in your consecutive workdays, you must book back into Dispatch.
In order to return to the same Production, Group 2 Members and Non-Members (Permittees and Reserves) must be dispatched again, only when the 4 % threshold has been met in the Drivers and Security Divisions. All other divisions must have 0% member availability, as per B1.11 of the Collective Agreement. Any Non-Members (Permit and Reserve) who do not comply will be considered in breach of their permittee/reserve Local 155 waiver and the Collective Agreement.
Lay off order per B1.11(f) of the Collective Agreement:
“Lay off of Employees shall be at the discretion of the Employer, but the Employer must lay off Employees from Group 2 before laying off Employees from Group 1. If non-Union members have been hired (i.e., once only 4% of Group 2 members remain), the Employer must lay off the non-Union members prior to laying off Employees in Group 2.”
Department Heads who do not comply will be considered in breach of the Collective Agreement and will put the Production in a grievable position.
Click Here for official letter